Wednesday 11 December 2019

10 Things You Shouldn't Miss In Your College Life

College life is one of the beautiful phase of an individual's life. It is the time we learn to be independent, it's the time we try different things, it's the time we make our own choices, it's the time we grow. There are many things we have in mind when we enter college life, there are many things we want to do but due to lack of proper planning we aren't able to do so. We join college to get education and skills that will help us excel in our corporate career. But not all things are not learned from books. We didn’t realise it then but after 3-4 years of college life when we are stuck in corporate world, we regret what we missed in our college days. "If and only if I could have" , types of statement rule our mind. But at that point we can’t do much and just carry with what we have(as we don’t have much spare time in our hand). Believe me, college time is the best time ( after you have selected your major) to try different things, to do what you want , to acquire new skills and more importantly to live the way you want.

So here are the 10 things you shouldn’t miss in your college life: 

1.  Make Some Real Friends:

Life is a long journey. In it you need some guys on whom you can rely on, friends you can trust blindly. And the college life is the best time to make some. In your college you will find many similar like-minded guys from different field, different area, different style and different beliefs. So it’s the perfect opportunity to befriend some really good friends who will be always there for you. By few I don’t mean 15-20 friends, five to six are enough. They will be the one who will be around you in college time, they will be the first one to support you in tough times in college and they will be the first one who could help you in your start-up (if you plan any in your college life)

2.  Join a College Society:

There are many societies in the college like Drama Society, Dance Society, Music Society, Debate Club, Sports Society, Marketing Society and many other ( based on your streams). You should definitely join one of the society as it will contribute to your overall growth. You will learn many new things , get some practical experience plus it will contribute to your overall growth. For example: If you are a introvert or if you have a fear of public speaking then joining one of the society will help you to overcome your shortcomings, as it will test you in certain situations, which will help you to overcome similar situations in your corporate life

3.   Organise the college fest:

A college’s fest catches eye balls of many. There are many things involved in organising the college fest , but they all can be summed up in a single word : “management”. It’s the art of managing different aspects. And this management skill is required not only in our corporate life but in our personal lives too. So, if you got a chance then you should definitely be a part of the team to organise the college fest. There are many things you can do like planning the event, marketing it via different means, you can be an anchor on the day of the event or you can get the sponsors/promoters for the event.

4.  Volunteer an event:

Here I don’t mean volunteering you college fest or a competition organised by your college society. Here I mean to volunteer an event organised by corporates for charity or any event organised for awareness by NGOs. We get so much from the nature/society around us and it’s our duty to give it back. As a college student, volunteering that event is the best way to learn about the practicality of that situation and a simple way for a student to contribute towards society. It will help to increase your self confidence and make you a better person. You can also volunteer a sports event or a marathon in your area.

5.     Upgrade Your Skills:

From time to time you should upgrade your skills. Upgrading your skills is kind of life long learning. And the college time is the best time to set it going. After you have selected your major, you know exactly in which direction, area you want to go. So according to your field you should constantly upgrade your skills as in real world, skills are the things which gets you a job and take you to a higher level. Bill Gates , Steve Jobs didn’t had the degree but they had the skills which got them the success. You can upgrade your skills either online or by getting involved in some part time jobs.

6.    Engage In New Experiences:

There are many things we want to try, there are many things we want to learn , there are many new experiences we want to indulge in but never gave them a try. If you have a list of this kind then, college time is the best time to fulfil it. If you want to learn swimming then just go and join swimming academy and get going. If you have a interest in playing guitar then go get a guitar and start learning. Want to travel? Then start by exploring your city. Visit all the important landmarks of your city and get going. Fulfil as much wishes you have as it will make you more flexible, a multi tasker and more importantly it will help you grow in much better way.

7.  Get Fit:

Getting fit doesn’t mean to get a six pack abs. It means to be healthy. Being healthy increases your life expectancy by 10-15 years. You should exercise regularly in order to be fit. You don’t want to be fatty or skinny in your late forties and walking on medicines. You want to be fit, eat what you want, drink what you want and most importantly live the way you want. It can be attained, if, you exercise regularly. And college time is the best time to set the motion. You can choose your own style for fitness. It can be yoga , gym , sport activity or any other thing which will help you to have a fit body.

8. Try different Outlets:

There’s nothing wrong in being foody. If you love food then you shouldn’t stop yourself from trying different things. What you should stop yourself is from visiting the same outlet again and again. If you have a love for eating then you should try different restaurants, different cuisines, different dishes and different preparation styles, as it might help you in long term on important days of your life. It will help you to find the best restaurant for your first date or a place for a treat to your parents from your first salary. So, try as many restaurants, dishes, cuisines as you can in your college time and find out which is the best one to bank on.

9.     Look for Online Earning Opportunities:

In college time you will have much spare time in your hands. Instead of wasting your time on useless apps and videos, you should utilise it effectively. You should look for good Online Earning Opportunities. There are many sites which pay you for online surveys or for listening music. Based on your interest you can google for similar online earning opportunities. If you aren’t able to find any then join Amazon’s affiliate marketing programme which pays you certain percent of sales directed via your link. It isn’t that important as a college guy to earn but  it feels good when you cover your own expenses.

10.  Road Trip:

Lastly, go on a road trip with your best friends. There are various perks linked to it. Road trip is the best way to enjoy the journey and to be close to the nature. It’s cheap. You are in best company to pass time with. On a road trip, you are more involved with each other rather than being engaged in phones. You can talk about endless topics without getting tired, plus you can take turns while driving. You will learn to move out from your comfort zone with persons you can rely on. You will learn to be free. And most importantly, memories of this trip will last forever. So go on a road trip with your friends and enjoy your time together like never before.

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